Immune-Boosting Elderberry Gummies

Immune-Boosting Elderberry Gummies

Well, everybody knows that elderberries contain antioxidants and are high in vitamins A and C, which are anti-inflammatory. More research needs to be carried out; however, some sorts of analysis indicate that elderberries can help reduce the symptoms of cold and flu and possess certain immunomodulatory effects. Raw berries contain toxic substances and, therefore, should not be consumed. At the same time, cooked elderberries can be used to form a thick syrup that is typically used during the winter to prevent the onset of diseases.

The juice of cooked berries is very sour and hardly edible on its own, let alone bitter, so it is best to ferment it into honey-sweetened syrup or use high-quality supplements to create tasty, healthy boosters for the immune system that everyone, from adults to kids, will enjoy.

However, that is not all that is great about this recipe, and that I am going to tell you in detail here. Pomegranate juice also contains antioxidants and vitamins, C and K, and is beneficial for the brain and muscles after exercise.

Gelatin is also known to have many benefits for the skin, hair, and the stomach. And sea salt is a valuable source of healthy electrolytes.

These can fittingly be referred to as ‘bite-sized’ health boosters seeing that they are filled with nutrients worth savoring.

Elderberry Gummies


Makes 24-36 gummies

  • 1 1/4 cups pomegranate juice or freshly squeezed citrus juice
  • Four tablespoons unflavored gelatin (Best to use this one)
  • 1/4 cup elderberry syrup ( here is our favorite)
  • Two tablespoons of raw honey or maple syrup.
  • Pinch unrefined sea salt


  • On low heat, warm up 1/2 cup of the juice until it begins to steam.
  • Take off the heat and stir in the gelatin until it is completely dissolved.
  • In a medium-sized bowl, put all ingredients together and mix with a spatula until they are blended well.
  • Mold into cakes or use ice cube trays and put in the refrigerator to set.
  • Take one or two gummies a day as they are very healthy for you.