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I agree to view my email to activate my Practice Better account and upon scheduling my first session, complete the following forms so I'm ready for my first practitioner session: Initial Interview Form, 3-Day Food, Mood + Sleep Journal, Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, and Nutritional Therapy Consent.
Essential Supplement Curations
Our supplement bundles are curated by our experienced practitioners to target your specific needs and bring your health into balance. Check out our 20 awesome curations to choose from!
Digestive Support Curations
Active Lifestyle Curations
Immune & Inflammation Curations
Specialized Support Curations

With every Curated Curation, you’ll also receive a comprehensive Wellness Guide with nutrition and lifestyle ideas that complement your essential curation and support your health journey.
Popular search items: Digestive Favorites, Energy + Mood + Stress, Active Lifestyle Support, Immune & Inflammation Support
We'll ask some questions around the foundational components of health and wellbeing—digestion, energy, mood and stress and provide feedback on which health priority to start with