
4 Benefits of Reishi Mushroom

Have you ever considered mushrooms for stress management? Native to tropical areas of the East, Reishi Mushrooms are Mother Nature’s original and incredible “natural support”. They are often used raw, ground, and cooked to yield culinary and medicinal miracles in China and their power has been globally noticed since the initial uses in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). As a result, Reishi Mushrooms have recently become a health sensation in the west. In fact, recent studies report that adaptogens topped out as an $8 billion dollar industry in the U.S1. So, what does that say for Americans? It shows that we are beyond stressed (which likely isn’t a surprising revelation for most reading this). Given the continued effects of the current pandemic, along with many other racial and social justice movements, our need for natural remedies that support a healthy body and stress response is bigger than ever. Thankfully, Mother Nature has a solution for everything, like Reishi Mushrooms, which support healing from the inside out. 

The Benefits

With over 400 intrinsic nutrients, Reishi Mushrooms carry a wealth of nutrients that improve our health. For example, experts often discuss the ability of these fungi to boost the body’s ability to detox, lower blood pressure, regulate the heart rate naturally, and so much more2. If you’re looking to balance your body, exploring the use of Reishi may be a great start. Let’s dive in.

Immune Support

A healthy functioning immune system is vital for many reasons, and if you’ve ever had a cold you’ll understand why. Our immune system helps our body to fight off bad bacteria and pathogens, which in turn prevents unwanted illness and disease from developing. Antibodies and white blood cells are important parts of the immune system that target unknown threats (pathogens) that find a way to enter the bloodstream. Regular supplementation with Reishi Mushrooms may increase white blood cell count enough to strengthen the immune system, and thus help protect your body against those unwanted pathogens. As you can see, Reishi is more than an adaptogen. It’s a superfood!

Balances Blood Sugar

A blood sugar balancing act? Reishi does it all! A 2019 study showed that fruit from the Ganoderma family decreased blood glucose levels when tested in mice3. Pause for a moment. You may wonder why is this important? Over time, high blood glucose levels can have troubling effects on organs like the kidneys and eye tissues. Moreover, chronically high blood sugar affects nerve endings as well as blood vessels. As we know, the body is interconnected, therefore unaddressed concerns in one area may lead to issues in other parts of the body. So, when you support balancing your blood sugar, you’re also supporting your entire body.

Modulate Inflammation

Inflamed tissue is more than a rash or red bump on the skin. Below the surface, inflammation can cause parlous impairments. As mentioned above, when the body’s immune system detects a virus, infection, or outside threat, white blood cells flock to defend you, increasing inflammation. Although inflammation in the short term is important and a healthy response, when immune cells are constantly on guard, we experience chronic inflammation which creates pain, discomfort, and dysfunction. Reishi’s anti-inflammatory components may support your body in protecting against the impacts of chronic inflammation, making it a great addition to your supplement regime.

Reduces Stress

Reishi is to mushrooms as chamomile is to herbs. As a supplement, Reishi is a natural relaxation method. The elements in this adaptogen support the adrenals, which release hormones (like cortisol) into the body4. Cortisol is “the stress hormone” we use to endure challenging times. Once cortisol is released, blood sugar levels rise to pump up our energy. Reishi is a catalyst supporting hormone functions that prepare us to handle stress.

Choosing Your Supplement

Now that you’re up to date on the immense benefits Reishi Mushrooms offer, let’s discuss how to utilize them. Although "fungi" doesn’t sound like a popular ingredient, the physiological benefits eclipse the taste by far. Reishi Mushroom supplements come in many different forms including capsules, powders, and tinctures making it easy to pick the best choice for you and your taste buds. If you frequently enjoy smoothies or oatmeal, a Reishi powder supplement can be mixed right in to mask the taste. Tinctures can be dropped into hot teas or soups. If your lifestyle is more active and you don’t want to forget taking it, a daily capsule may be the way to go! Know which form you’d like to try, but not sure what to choose?

Check out some of our favorites here:

Real Mushrooms-Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder

Host Defense-Reishi Mushroom Mycelium Ings

Reishi mushrooms are an ancient Chinese remedy recognized for numerous medicinal benefits. The healing properties in this fungus improve health by strengthening the immune system, balancing blood sugar, modulating inflammation, and supporting healthy cognitive function. Most importantly, Reishi Mushrooms help the body naturally adapt to stress, something we can all use a bit of support with.


Emily Alexander, M.Ed, FNTP—Emily is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner with Curated Wellness. She is passionate about supporting others in their journey to improve their relationship with food and their body through gentle nutrition, and is a firm believer that understanding the bio-individual components of nutrition is one of the best ways to do so. Emily completed her Master’s of education in health education and promotion with a concentration in eating disorders, and draws from both her educational background and life experience to help her clients improve their energy, understand their bodies, boost their athletic potential, and break down diet myths one at a time. Read more about Emily.

The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only. Statements within this site have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition or disease, nor is it medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. Readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health conditions or concerns. One should always consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle change or new health program. Curated Wellness does not take responsibility for any health consequences of any person or persons following the information in this educational content.


  1. “Adaptogens Market Statistics: Industry Forecasts 2027.” GlobalMarket Insights Inc., Jan. 2022,
  2. Brennan, Dan. “Reishi Mushrooms: Health Benefits, Safety Information, Dosage, and More.” WebMD, WebMD, 6 Nov. 2020,
  3. Wińska, Katarzyna et al.“Mushrooms of the Genus Ganoderma Used to Treat Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.” Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 24,22 4075. 11 Nov. 2019, doi:10.3390/molecules24224075
  4. Kubala, Jillian. “What Are Adaptogenic Mushrooms? Benefits, Risks, and Types.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 19 Mar. 2021, . Medically reviewed by Kim Chin, RD, Nutrition


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