6 Steps for Holistic Prostate Health

6 Steps for Holistic Prostate Health

November is "Movember," a movement to raise awareness around men's health issues such as prostate, reproductive, and mental health. As a way to engage with men and encourage fundraising for medical research, the organizers encourage men to grow a mustache or beard during the month of November.

Prostate health can be a challenging topic, especially as men can be reluctant to talk about prostate problems or to seek help for them. The most common complaint is an enlarged prostate, which can create issues with frequent and intermittent urination (stopping and starting), as well as low libido and erectile dysfunction. As Nutritional Therapy Practitioners, it's not in our scope to discuss cancer treatment, but about 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes. We recommend speaking to your doctor about getting your prostate checked early and often.

Hormonal and sexual health often come up in the same conversation as prostate health. Environmental toxins can affect sperm count and quality, and may also accumulate in the prostate and cause inflammation. Low testosterone levels, which can appear alongside lower sperm counts, lack of muscle development, and even prostate health, are rooted in dietary and lifestyle choices.

In this post, we'll discuss supporting prostate and male reproductive health from a holistic, lifestyle-based perspective.

What is the Prostate?

The prostate is a small walnut-sized gland located at the base of the urethra that adds fluid to semen, mainly to keep sperm alive. As men get older, the prostate can become enlarged and is susceptible to toxins and bacterial infection. The prostate's structure is a lot like a sponge, and can become clogged with unexpressed fluids that become crystallized. The enlarging of the prostate can create issues with urination, ejaculation, erectile function, and libido.

What Types of Issues Can Develop with the Prostate?

Men's most common complaint is an enlarged prostate, medically known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This enlargement can squeeze the urethra and make urination difficult and sometimes uncomfortable. BPH generally develops as men age, but can be linked to hormonal changes (like low testosterone) as well as zinc deficiency.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, and can be caused by several things, including stress, trauma, irregular sexual activity, or bacterial infection. While traditional treatments often include antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, warm baths and prostate massage can help reduce inflammation.

As we mentioned above, men are traditionally reluctant to seek help for these issues. While there are medical treatments, there are a few ways to support your prostate holistically. We'll look at a few of those below. 

How Can I Support My Prostate Naturally?

First and foremost, if you have concerns about your prostate, please don't hesitate to seek advice from a medical professional. Below are a few steps you can take to support your prostate health.

  1. Hydration

Drinking plenty of water is crucial for keeping fluids pumping throughout your body, absorbing electrolytes, and flushing waste. Proper hydration can help improve inflammation and helps to keep the plumbing working smoothly. We recommend not drinking too much water before bedtime to limit late-night trips to the bathroom.

  1. Prostate Massage 

Some studies have shown that a gentle massage of the prostate can help clear blockages causing inflammation. Prostate massage can be performed on your own, by a partner, or by a medical doctor.  

  1. Whole-Food Nutrient-Dense Diet

A key to supporting prostate health is a minimally processed whole foods diet. Processed foods can lead to inflammation, while lack of nutrients can make detoxification difficult. Both of these can create issues in the prostate, leading to inflammation, difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction, and more. Some of the best foods to eat to support prostate health are: 

  • Wild-caught fish
  • Green tea
  • Pink or red fruits like tomato, grapefruit, or bell pepper
  • Brazil nuts
  • Foods high in zinc like nuts, legumes, and shellfish
  1. Exercise

Regular physical activity increases blood flow, helps modulate hormone levels, reduces oxidative stress, and is a big part of detoxification. In general, exercise means you are using your body, which helps keep things working the way they should.

  1. Detoxification 

Each of these previous steps in some way or another supports detoxification. Detoxifying helps keep toxins out of your prostate and other organs, keeps wastes moving as they should, and generally lets your cells function properly. Detox pathways can easily get clogged without proper hydration, nutrition, and movement. This can create an environment where the prostate can become blocked, or accumulate bacteria or other toxins, creating inflammation and swelling.

  1. Consider Supplements

In addition to the whole foods listed above, some supplements can help support a healthy prostate. Some of these may be found in whole food sources, but we may not get enough or may need additional nutrients to provide support. 

Supplements to Support the Prostate

Saw palmetto: Probably the best-known supplement for prostate support, saw palmetto is most often used to help with BPH. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is shown to reduce hormone activity that may cause increased prostate size. 

Stinging nettle: Stinging nettle contains similar antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as saw palmetto, and studies have shown the extract can be effective in reducing prostate size & symptoms of BPH.

Zinc: Deficiencies of zinc have been shown to increase hormonal activity that can lead to increased prostate size. Getting zinc from food sources can sometimes be tricky, so we recommend a zinc supplement if you don't eat much nuts or seafood.

Omega-3s: We always recommend getting nutrients from whole foods, but getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids can be challenging. Taking a quality fish oil supplement can help boost our levels of these essential fats. Omega-3 fats play a role in reducing prostate inflammation, as well as overall heart and brain health support. We recommend high-quality, cold-water fish oil. 

Prostate health can be a tricky subject for many men, but it doesn't have to be. Some simple diet and lifestyle steps can help support a healthy prostate and improve quality of life. For more help, including men's health, detoxification, and more, a Curated Wellness practitioner is here to help. 

About the Author:

Joel is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who began his health journey when he decided to quit cigarettes for good. By finding the motivation to make lifestyle changes in diet, exercise, stress, and sleep, he feels healthier in his 40's than in his 20's, and wants to make sure he will be around for a long time. Once he saw results in himself, Joel wanted to use his passion for wellness to help other people. Joel has a private practice in Northern California where he helps clients achieve better energy, focus, and connection to their bodies through bio-individual diet and lifestyle changes. Learn more about Joel.

The information presented on this website is intended for educational purposes only. Statements within this site have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition or disease, nor is it medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. Readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health conditions or concerns. One should always consult a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary and/or lifestyle change or new health program. Curated Wellness does not take responsibility for any health consequences of any person or persons following the information in this educational content.

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